Andy McDonald, comedy writer and blogger for Huffington Post, has compiled a list of The 10 Most Annoying Facebook Status Updates and I think that he should receive a medal for this outstanding contribution to society. This is McDonald’s list along with my thoughts on each subject:
- The “Food I Just Made/Ate Photo” Update
- The “A Friend is Someone Who…” Update
- The “Gym” Update
- The “Tanning” Update
- The “Bet You Won’t Repost This!” Update
- The “Vegas” Update
- The “Why Can’t I Find a Nice Guy?” Update
- The “Will Someone Bring Me (Food Item) to Work?” Update
- The “Something Something With My Besties!” Update
- The “Facebook Game Request” Update
If you made the food yourself, all right, maybe. If you’re just taking pictures of food you’ve ordered in a restaurant — don’t. It never looks as delicious to your audience as it does to you because you’re hungry and we’re not.
Oh thank god I read your status! I missed the friendship month in kindergarten.
I’m glad you claim to be in shape when the rest of the country is not. Kudos. Even if you are a gym rat and are there on a daily basis, why would you think we want to be subjected to your repetitious status updates?
I don’t get it. You’ll die. I feel like knowing that you’re going tanning is like me becoming an accessory to murder.
You’re right. I’m included in the 97 percent of people who won’t repost that. Moving on.
You were in Vegas for a week 5 months ago and you’ve been posting about it on Facebook for the past year. Do the math.
Because you’ve trapped them in the friendzone, dummy.
No, I won’t. I won’t ever. Be productive.
McDonald says that you best be sure there’s a mutual agreement among besties involved at risk of hurting the feelings of other potential besties. Social media etiquette, ladies.
If I receive more than 2 Facebook game invites from you, you will be unfriended. Friends don’t try to get friends to play Farmville or Mafia Wars on Facebook.
Tags: HuffingtonPostPosts